Saturday, 07.12.19 - 20:15
Double concert at Phönix Theater

8.15 pm Theiler – Flisch – Renold 21.45 The Wonkers (Vincent Scarth’s Funk Band)

6 – 7.30 pm Chipotle-mayonnaise-sandwiches and porcini mushroom soup by Lorenz Boskovic/Vincent Scarth in the tavern Haus zur Glocke

8.15 – 9 pm concert at the Phönix Theater Steckborn
Theiler, Flisch, Renold “European Hits“

9 – 9.30 pm concert break at Phönix Theater
with chipotle-mayonnaise-sandwiches and porcini mushroom soup by Lorenz Boskovic/Vincent Scarth

9.45 – 10.45 pm concert at Phönix Theater
Vincent Scarth with The Wonkers


THEILER, FLISCH, RENOLD is an as piano trio construed as a collective with a focus on contemporary jazz. For some time now, the musicians of this cross-generational piano trio have been working on the idea of recomposing, arranging and performing hits from European pop, folk and schlager music in a new aesthetics of contemporary jazz. The knowledge of countless treasures of famous European songs has been available for a long time, and now they sound anew in witty as well as gripping versions of the three improvisers. Actually, just like in the past, when songs from the 1930s of American Broadway musicals were transformed into so-called ‘jazz standards’ and thus entrusted to the world of jazz improvisations.


VINCENT SCARTH WITH “THE WONKERS” with (upper) Thurgauer funk. As the last interpreters of the traditional Thurgovian funk, a regional subgenus of the musical genre that originated between orchards and the shore of Lake Constance, The Wonkers are among these secret musical pearls that cannot be missed. Influenced by funk, but also soul, rap, alternative rock, blues, and Latin American folk music, The Wonkers leave no leg unshaken.
